Migisi Opawgan Logo

Migisi Opawgan
Lodge 162

Serving the Michigan Crossroads Council since 1939

Ceremonialist Registry Certification

Because the registry includes contact info, we need to ensure that you're a member of our lodge.

There are two ways to search, either by member number and birthdate or by last name and birthdate. If you don't know your member number, check your most recent Lodge newsletter, it'll show your number on the label, right above your name.

The most important tip if you're searching by last name is that if you're a Jr, Sr, or III we usually have your last name as "Name Jr." for example. If that doesn't work, try "Name Jr" but that's not as common. Someday we'll probably get them all the same, but that's not a priority (yet).

By Number

Member Number

By Last Name

Last Name